Chelsea, and Chosen
July 30th, 2017 My Heavenly Father chose me. Before the creation of the world, He chose me. He knitted me together in my mothers womb, fearfully and wonderfully made by His, wonderful, works. Chelsea and Chosen. [Psalm 139: 13-14 / Ephesians 1:4] When I entered the world, I was birthed from a trauma bearing, drug addicted mother who was only 20 years old. She was in an extremely toxic relationship with my birth father, being emotionally and physically tormented. She never had a mother of her own, and so she always wanted a baby girl. She dreamed of being the mother she never had. She gave birth to one son before me. November 21, 1991 Back to me. I was her pride, her joy, her second chance, her light. But you see, she had been so burned and bruised, and the joy of me could never be enough to keep her afloat. Through ca...